Scripting and storyboard

Changing your car oil script.docx
Rise Storyboard.pptx

Tools: PowerPoint

Time: 24 hours

Client: Personal portfolio piece

Role: e-Learning developer


It took an awful long time to get my head around what to do. As it was my first ever time creating a script, I didn't know what to include. I didn't know how it should look. To me, a storyboard should have images and then captions - That's what I learnt in school? However, this was completly different and I only found this out later on!



I Googled an awful lot, messaged people on LinkedIn and even watched a few YouTube videos. Everyone said something different but I finally got my head around what do.


I now have a solid base on what goes onto a storyboard and a script. It's quite easy when you get started. But it's always beginning it that takes the most time.

Tools: PowerPoint

Time: 24 hours

Client: Personal portfolio piece

Role: e-Learning developer

Script for adding text into a shape on Word.pdf


This time, I didn't find it as hard creating a script. I didn't follow everything I'd written and I found sticking to the script very hard.


As a result, I had to keep changing my script.


A good, informal, colloquial script! To view the full video, click here.